Psychometric Assessments

Here is the complete list of Psychometric Assessments offered to our clients. As you will observe, the list is very extensive and covers a wide spectrum of assessments in the categories of (1) Career, (2) Personality, (3) Attitude & Lifestyle, (4) Intelligence, and (5) Relationships. Click on a tab below to find out more about the assessments in that category.

Store Manager Aptitude, Personality & Attitude: A good store manager possesses a variety of important skills and personality traits, each of which facilitate the work he or she performs on a daily basis. Store managers who stand out from the crowd are self-confident, know how to push employees to perform at their best, and possess excellent people skills. They are able to make both clients and employees comfortable and are persuasive when it comes to pushing store products to clients. They are logical, organized, and follow rules and regulations, which helps them to be conscientious when it comes to the tasks they must perform on the job. Finally, they are knowledgeable in issues regarding cultural sensitivity and staffing procedures. While the ideal store manager scores high in all the scales on this test, it is certainly possible for a manger to find his or her own style and still be successful.

Salesperson Personality Profile: Most successful salespeople share a set of common characteristics and skills, and most of these can actually be learned and honed to perfection. The goal of the Sales Personality Test is to determine whether the test-taker has the natural instincts, traits and skills needed to survive in the world of sales. As evidenced by the high turnover rate in this field, clearly, this isn’t a job for everyone. In order to be a successful salesperson, one needs to possess a number of aptitudes and personality traits which include, among other things, the ability to think “on-your-toes” and to trust your intuition, self-confidence, a strong desire to succeed, a strong interest in other people and their lives, positive thinking, competitiveness, and an ability to thrive under pressure. It is also crucial to have a good grasp of the step-by-step process of making a sale.

Social Personality & Skills Assessment: We have all come in contact with people whose poor social skills make being around them a difficult, if not unpleasant, experience. Often, it is not obvious what exactly is wrong, but some people are undeniably missing certain key elements and characteristics that are essential to good social skills, which can put a strain on their social interactions. This is especially true in the initial stages of relationships, before people realize that other good qualities can compensate for poor social skills. The Social Skills Test assesses the following domains: verbal and non-verbal communication skills, the ability to deal with conflict, relationship skills, social insight, appropriate behavior, and social comfort. To be extremely lacking in just one of these areas could cause problems in work relationships.

Time Management Evaluation: Research has shown that efficient use of time, both at work and home, results in less stress. Staying organized and reducing distractions not only save a lot of time and energy but they also greatly impact the quality of our work. The bottom line is that time management has a lot to do with motivation; individuals who are highly motivated tend to actively use better techniques, which in turn improves their performance on various tasks. You may think you are a disorganized person or that you are just incapable of meeting a deadline without those last moments of sheer panic, but these are definitely skills that can be learned. It’s just a matter of overcoming productivity blocks and developing a plan of attack for replacing them with improved strategies. The goal of the Time Management Test is to identify any bad habits you may have and to help you enhance your ability to manage time.

Team vs. Individual Orientation Test: Independent workers are oriented towards using their own ideas and reflections. Team players, on the other hand, like to draw on people’s thoughts and ideas within an interactive setting. While most individuals have a preference, the fact is that the majority of people have a little of both orientations. Knowing which way a person leans on the work orientation scale can help optimize his or her potential. There are a variety of concerns that many people have about teamwork. Some people worry, for instance, that they will not be able to achieve as much if they work in a group, or that communicating in a team will add a level of complexity to a project that is intimidating. They also may worry that certain team members will slack off, leaving them with an unfair workload. This assessment will provide some insight behind your teamwork orientation by identifying your particular concerns about teamwork.

Work Accident Likelihood Assessment: The fact that some individuals seem to be “accident repeaters” is often noted by management in many organizations. Many industries report that it appears as though a small percentage of their workers seem to commit the majority of the accidents. The tendency to take dangerous risks is considered to be a function of many different elements. These can include personality traits, attitudes, and behavioral tendencies. The scales that contribute to your accident proneness score are Sensation-seeking, Harm-avoidance, Conscientiousness, Attitude Towards Safety, Attentiveness, and Responsibility. Each of these elements is addressed in your results. In addition, further information is provided about the types of risks you are likely to take. These scales can help you to become more aware of the areas in which you are more likely to take unnecessary chances.

Work Integrity Test: Over the past several years, honesty and integrity testing in the workplace has become more and more prevalent. There are several reasons for this increase. First, organizations that had utilized polygraph testing in the past for their employees were forced to stop due to new legislation. Second, companies are realizing that the high cost of turnover even in entry-level jobs merits more careful selection procedures. And finally, evidence suggests that organizations and companies have reason to fear that their employees may in fact steal from them. Studies show that honesty testing works – in companies where testing has been implemented, theft and other forms of dishonest behaviors have decreased dramatically. This test contains questions relevant to appropriate on-the-job behavior in general, including evaluation of the likelihood of theft of money or merchandise, time theft, cyber-loafing, and other deceitful actions.

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